Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeTechnologyHigher depression risk in partners of heart disease patients

Higher depression risk in partners of heart disease patients

KOTOApril 14 (News On Japan) – A research group from Kyoto University has reported that relatives of patients with cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke, are at greater risk of developing depression.

According to the study, which involved approximately 280,000 married couples over a six-year period, if one partner suffers from cardiovascular disease, the other’s risk of developing depression increases by 13%.

The number of depression cases in Japan exceeds one million and is increasing. Although it was previously known that people with depression are at a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and myocardial infarction, the impact on their immediate family members had not yet been thoroughly investigated.

The research suggests that providing mental health care that takes the whole family into account could become a crucial aspect of preventive medicine in the future.

Source: KTV NEWS



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