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HomeEducationNew employees think about career plans after a month on the job

New employees think about career plans after a month on the job

TOKYO, May 13 (News On Japan) – A month into their new roles, young professionals from Japan who joined companies in April are starting to settle into their workplaces. We explored how these young individuals think about their careers and discovered insights that resonate not only with them, but also with more experienced professionals.

A job fair for college students graduating next spring was held Saturday, highlighting the employment choices of today’s youth. Many seem to prefer flexible career paths over long-term commitments to one company. โ€œHonestly, the idea of โ€‹โ€‹staying with one company doesn’t really appeal to me,โ€ one participant said, reflecting a growing trend toward job switching and freelancing.

According to a survey of this year’s new hires, only 21.1% want to stay with their current company until retirement, while 26.4% would change jobs if the opportunity arose. This preference for labor mobility is the highest in 18 years. A 20-year-old respondent shared his career plan, which included working for an events company, changing jobs at 28, getting married at 31 and considering going freelance at 45, after potentially caring for elderly parents taken care of.

Smartphones have made job hunting more accessible, leading to an increase in job applications from a diverse group of people, including students, homemakers and office workers. This easy access has broadened the spectrum of potential job seekers.

In one notable case, a third-year employee who has already changed jobs twice is considering starting his own business instead of working for someone else. โ€œIt would be great to start my own business,โ€ he said, which resonated with a friend who found the idea appealing.

On the other hand, another young professional plans to take over the family business in Gunma Prefecture. Despite a 90% drop in sales due to the pandemic, his father managed to revive the company. โ€œI plan to learn enough about management to surpass my father,โ€ he declared, planning to take over at the age of 28 and strengthen his foundation in the business.

This mix of ambition and pragmatism among Japan’s youth highlights their diverse ambitions and the evolving job market. As they navigate their early careers, these young professionals are setting the stage for a dynamic workforce that embraces flexibility, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning.

Source: NEWS



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