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HomeWorld newsTaiwan's inauguration hardly causes ripples in the China Strait

Taiwan’s inauguration hardly causes ripples in the China Strait

Taiwan sworn in its new president, Lai Ching-te, on Monday at an elaborate, closely watched event, complete with a thousand dancers and military air shows.

But just 77 miles across the strait in mainland China’s Fujian province, many were unaware of the inauguration — or even sure who the man Beijing has described as a “dangerous separatist” was.

Chinese social media platform Weibo on Monday blocked hashtags referring to the ceremony, and coverage in the country’s tightly controlled state media was perfunctory.

On a rainy cliff in Pingtan, the closest point in China to the self-governing island, 25-year-old student Wang Chaolun said he “had no idea” it was Inauguration Day.

“We live our lives and don’t care much about politics,” he said.

‘Who is that? Lai Ching-te? Never heard of him!’ said Wang Peini, a 49-year-old tourist taking photos in front of a sculpture of a giant white cat.

“We only hope for reunification between mainland China and Taiwan,” she said, a view expressed by dozens of people interviewed on Monday.

Taiwan has been self-governing since 1949, when nationalists fled to the island after their defeat by communist forces in the Chinese civil war on the mainland.

Beijing considers the democratic island part of its territory and has not ruled out using force to bring it under its control.

‘Hope for fewer prejudices’

However, many in Pingtan expressed a desire for greater understanding between the two sides.

“Young Chinese are in favor of reunification, but above all they want peace,” emphasizes Peng Sen, a 29-year-old service sector worker.

“I hope there will be less prejudice. Because today, the perception that people on the mainland and in Taiwan have of each other is strongly influenced by the media on both sides, each presenting a biased image.”


However, he is concerned that Lai seemed “a little more extreme” than outgoing President Tsai Ing-wen, especially on the issue of a separate Taiwanese cultural identity.

Lai previously described himself as a “pragmatic worker for Taiwan’s independence,” although he has moderated his rhetoric on the issue in recent years.

He has made repeated attempts to resume high-level communications with Beijing, which Beijing severed in 2016 when Tsai came to power.

Outside a coffee shop, Wang Xu, a denim-clad 47-year-old, said it would take time – perhaps decades – for the two sides to truly understand each other.

“There are still so many misunderstandings and differences in education, economics and politics,” he said.

“I know a little about Lai Ching-te, but the information we get from the media is very partial, so it’s difficult to have an opinion about him,” he added.

Retiree Zhou Luyang did not have much trouble with that.

‘He’s rotten! He wants Taiwan to become independent from the rest of China,” he said angrily, shaking hands disapprovingly.

Different systems

Many said they could not understand why a majority of Taiwanese did not want reunification with China.

“In the 1970s we all wanted to leave China and emigrate. Nowadays not at all, because the standard of living is infinitely better – even better than in Taiwan!” said Lan Hong, a middle-aged woman.

‘Of course the political systems are different. But you get used to it,” she added casually.

But Zhang Wuyuan, a 27-year-old who visited Pingtan with a group of friends, said he had “no illusions” about the chances of unification.

“Many young Taiwanese, influenced by their education, no longer want this,” he said.

“The best option is a peaceful reunification, following a bilateral agreement. But the use of force cannot be ruled out,” said Zhou Ruixin, a young official.

But realistically, he said he was in no rush.

“If the reunification happens in 80 years, that’s fine with me,” he smiled.



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