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HomeBusinessAKB48 investigates DX at small factories!

AKB48 investigates DX at small factories!

TOKYO, Jun 03 (News On Japan) – AKB48 takes a closer look at digital transformation (DX) in small factories across Japan. How deeply has DX penetrated small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)? AKB48 reports from the ground and reveals the future shaped by DX.

Japan is home to approximately 3.5 million small and medium-sized enterprises. A look into their operations reveals different levels of digital transformation. This time AKB48 takes a closer look at ‘the best DX within your company’. Is DX already advanced or in the development process? AKB48 investigates the reality of these local factories.

A notable example is the telescope industry. Telescopes that allow us to observe distant objects as if they were close up have undergone a significant digital transformation. Imagine a telescope that reaches millions of light years away! AKB48 discovers the DX behind these incredible devices.

Another everyday product that DX is undergoing is shoes. Have you ever imagined how shoes are made? AKB48 reveals the surprising digital advances in shoe manufacturing through an examination of three separate cases.

AKB48 learns about DX from an expert at a small business support organization, who explains that DX is the process of using digital technology to transform society for the better. The team then goes to investigate.

The first stop is a small factory in Tokorozawa, Saitama Prefecture, famous for its advanced telescopes. Since 1966, the company has been producing telescopes and binoculars, has a large share of the domestic market and exports to more than 70 countries. The team witnesses the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into assembling each part by hand, ensuring high quality.

One of the latest innovations is a smartphone-connected telescope that automatically aligns with celestial bodies. Thanks to this advanced technology, even amateurs can easily locate stars and planets from their balconies.

AKB48 moves on to their next research location: the shoe industry in Asakusa, a district known for its shoe production. They visit a company that has been innovating in shoe design for 24 years. The company integrates DX by using 3D software to design shoes, reducing the need for physical prototypes and increasing efficiency.

The highlight of their visit is the automated cutting machine, which uses data from 3D designs to precisely cut materials, minimizing waste. This DX innovation ensures efficient use of leather and other materials, significantly reducing losses.

After these studies, AKB48 reflects on their experiences. They appreciate how DX not only improves efficiency and cost savings, but also improves the work environment, making tasks more enjoyable and satisfying.

AKB48’s journey through small factories shows the profound impact of digital transformation on traditional industries, highlighting the mix of craftsmanship and advanced technology.

Source: BIZ



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