Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeWorld newsAs China's pressure on Taiwan increases, the outgoing US envoy insists on...

As China’s pressure on Taiwan increases, the outgoing US envoy insists on a steady hand

As she nears the end of three years as the United States’ chief representative in Taiwan, Sandra Oudkirk has some parting advice: Avoid panicking about China’s belligerent language and moves, but don’t become numb to the risks.

Oudkirk was Washington’s de facto ambassador to Taiwan at a time when the island’s democracy had become a melting pot of tensions between Washington and Beijing. China claims that Taiwan is its territory and must accept unification, using armed force if leaders in Beijing decide it is necessary.

At times, the debate between Taiwanese and U.S. politicians, officials and experts has also become tense over what mix of tactics โ€” what military purchases, what reassuring or unyielding words to Beijing, what steps with fellow democracies โ€” could best reduce the risks. of war.



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