Sunday, June 30, 2024
HomeWorld newsAt the Japan-South Korea-China trilateral summit: an opportunity to keep tensions under...

At the Japan-South Korea-China trilateral summit: an opportunity to keep tensions under control

The first trilateral summit between Japan, China and South Korea since 2019 may not conclude with a set of concrete results, but just holding the meeting on Monday will be an achievement in itself.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will travel to Seoul, host of the summit, where he will meet with South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol and Chinese Premier Li Qiang, as the three neighbors look forward to renewed trilateral talks to boost communications and manage tensions. amid rising tensions over economic and security issues.

โ€œIt is good that the trio is meeting at all,โ€ said Robert Ward, Japan chairman of the International Institute for Strategic Studies think tank. Although the three countries are geographically close, meetings like this are “relatively rare.”



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