Tuesday, July 2, 2024
HomeWorld newsElection day is coming. Do you enjoy talking about politics in...

Election day is coming. Do you enjoy talking about politics in Japanese?

July 7 is known as 七夕 (Tanabata, the Star Festival) in Japan. This is the night that the mythical gods Orihime and Hikoboshi, separated by the 天の川(ama not gawaMilky Way), may meet each other.

Back on Earth, July 7 this year is 投票日 (tohyōbielection day) in 東京 (TokyoTokyo) – not a time for lovers, but a time for rivals, decisions and democracy. The coming 選挙(senkyoelection) for the role of 知事 (chijiprefectural governor) is currently a big topic of discussion across the country because, after all, this is the person responsible for the Japanese 首都 (quietcapital).

Even if you’re not 東京都民 (Tokyo Tomínresident of Tokyo) or a 有権者 (yūken-shaeligible voter), you can still join the conversation around the 東京都知事選挙 (Tokyo-to chiji senkyoTokyo gubernatorial elections) if you know a few words and terms related to 日本の政治 (Nihon no seijiJapanese politics).



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