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HomeEducationThe debate over coeducation in Saitama high schools is heating up

The debate over coeducation in Saitama high schools is heating up

SaitamaApril 19 (News about Japan– A recommendation to abolish all-boys and all-girls schools in favor of co-educational systems has sparked a heated debate among graduates of single-sex high schools in Saitama Prefecture.

Did you attend a coeducational high school or a coeducational high school?

A coeducational graduate in her 20s said, โ€œIt was nice to have friends to bike home with after school.โ€

A female graduate of an all-girls school in her 30s recalled, โ€œOur sports festivals were all-girls, which was nice because we all got to shine without the usual focus on boys.โ€

A male graduate of an all-boys school in his twenties recalled, โ€œWe threw water balloons around the school and got into serious trouble with our teachers.โ€

When these nostalgic childhood stories were created…

A female graduate in her twenties from an all-girls school expressed a missed opportunity: โ€œI sometimes wish I had experienced school romances. (Q. If you could choose a high school again, which would it be?) Definitely a co-ed school. .”

While single-sex schools create unique memories, they are becoming increasingly rare. Forty years ago there were 130 public boys’ schools and 182 girls’ schools nationwide. However, due to factors such as falling birth rates, the move towards co-education has increased: by 2023 there will be only 15 boys’ schools and 30 girls’ schools left.

Complaints have been filed in Saitama Prefecture, where there are still 12 single-sex public high schools.

A complaint filed with the prefecture said: “It is inappropriate for the boys’ schools in Saitama Prefecture to deny admission to girls, and this should be allowed.”

Last year, a third party advised the prefecture’s education commission that “co-education should be implemented immediately,” sparking unrest in the community.

Graduates from Urawa High School and Urawa First Girls’ High School held a press conference on Thursday calling for the preservation of sex education.

A graduate of Urawa High School who was against co-education argued: “Promoting gender equality is not just about the shift to co-education. It is also about the way high school education is structured, the curriculum and teaching methods, which I think are more important.”

On the other hand, a citizen group in favor of co-education stated on the 10th of this month: “Considering human rights and gender equality issues, it would be better to move to co-education.”

The debate continues as the Saitama Prefecture Education Commission plans to finalize its position on the issue by August this year.

Source: TBS



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