Friday, June 28, 2024
HomeBusinessThe US takes over Australia as New Zealand's second export market

The US takes over Australia as New Zealand’s second export market

The US last month overtook Australia as New Zealand’s second-largest export market amid increased demand for wine and meat.

Exports to the US rose to a record 8.8 billion New Zealand dollars ($5.4 billion) in the 12 months to May, Statistics New Zealand announced in Wellington on Monday. That is 8.9% more than the same period last year. By comparison, annual sales to Australia fell 2.4% from a year earlier to NZ$8.7 billion, having fallen from as much as NZ$9.1 billion in mid-2023.

Although China is New Zealand’s largest market, with exports worth NZ$17.9 billion in the year to May – 26% of the total – Australia has been comfortably in second place since the late 1980s, boosted by a free trade agreement and the proximity of the Tasman Sea. . The relative strength of the US economy is contributing to demand for New Zealand products, while the Kiwi dollar’s 3.3% decline against the greenback this year has also boosted the value of sales.

The New Zealand dollar has fallen just 0.4% against the Australian dollar since January 2.

Overall, New Zealand exports rose to a record NZ$7.2 billion in May, with sales to the US reaching a record NZ$1.02 billion.

US shoppers bought more wine, dairy products and meat in May, the statistics agency said, while Australian customers bought less mechanical machinery.

May is typically a peak time for exports because it is the height of the fruit and vegetable season after summer in the Southern Hemisphere, the statistics agency said. Wine exports increased by 38% compared to May last year, the report said.



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