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HomeFinanceNara: Night at the Museum: World of Kukai Offered in English

Nara: Night at the Museum: World of Kukai Offered in English

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Buddha statues will be on display at a special Kukai exhibition at the Nara National Museum on April 13.

A night tour of the special exhibition “Kukai: The Worlds of Mandalas and the Transcultural Origins of Esoteric Buddhism” will be offered at the Nara National Museum in Nara for foreign residents of Japan on May 20 from 5 p.m.

Kukai (774-835), born in present-day Kagawa Prefecture, is one of the most celebrated Buddhist monks in Japanese history. After studying esoteric Buddhism in China, he founded the Shingon sect of Buddhism in Japan. He was also known as a master calligrapher.

The exhibition, which runs through June 9, commemorates the 1,250th anniversary of Kukai’s birth. A total of 115 items will be on display, including 59 important cultural properties and 28 national treasures, such as “The Five Wisdom Buddhas” and “Ritual Tools for Esoteric Buddhist Practice,” which Kukai is said to have brought from China. The Yomiuri Shimbun is one of the organizers.

The overnight tour, titled ‘Night at the Museum’, is organized by the Waizu Club International, run by the Yomiuri Shimbun Osaka Headquarters, and offers foreign residents the opportunity to become more familiar with Japanese culture and history. During the tour, English commentary will be provided in a calm atmosphere by a curator originally from the US.

Up to 30 people can participate and entry is free, but they must post about the exhibition on social media. To apply, send an email with the following information โ€“ (1) name, (2) organization, (3) title at organization, (4) phone number, and (5) social media account โ€“ to waizu@yomiuri .com through May 10. If there are too many registrations, a draw will be held and the winners will be notified.

Waizu Club International also accepts membership applications from foreign residents who would like to participate in its activities in the Kansai region. If you are interested in membership, please visit or contact



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